Painting exterior surfaces can be tricky, even for experienced painters, but don’t let that put you off. If you use quality paint, the best painting techniques, and the weather behaves itself, the results speak for themselves.
But when you’ve spent hours working to make your outdoor areas look fantastic, you want to make those results last. Today we’re going to offer some hints and tips to help your painted exterior surfaces look great for a long time.
Exterior surfaces you can paint include:
- Exterior Walls
- Paths
- Driveways
- Patios
- Brick and Stonework
- Garden Furniture
- Fences and Fence Gates
- Sheds
- And more!
The Most Durable Exterior Paint
If you want your paint to last, the type of paint you pick is crucial. There are a number of types of paint, depending on the surface you’re painting, but most can be put into two categories.
First, water-based paint. This is the most popular choice of the two thanks to its easy-to-use nature. Water-based paints also produce very little odour, and aren’t toxic to your garden, pets, or other wildlife.
Oil-based-paint, on the other hand, does produce some potentially harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), but this isn’t an issue for exterior painting. If you prefer a glossier texture, oil-based paints can provide a much higher sheen, helping certain surfaces to look bold and reflect light.
So which is best? Well, if durability is your main priority, oil-based paint is the way to go. It’s naturally tougher, especially when paired with a primer, meaning it will put up a better fight against weather and wear.
However, water-based paints still offer excellent durability. If you use them well, and take care of the surface, you won’t notice much difference between it and an oil-based alternative.
No matter which of the two you settle on, the way you use your paint will affect how long it will last.
Extending the Durability of Exterior Paint
Once you’ve picked your paint, you need to know how to make the most of it. Here are a few methods to maximise your paint’s lifespan:
Preparing the Surface
The better your paint can cling to the surface you’re painting, the longer it will last. Before you start, you need to clean the surface as thoroughly as possible.
Any dirt, grime, or dust will create a barrier between the surface and your paint. This will make the overall finish look worse and make it more likely to flake or wear away.
Exterior surfaces need to be cleaned more thoroughly than any interior walls or floors, as they are exposed to the elements 24/7. You should also leave as little time as possible between cleaning and painting, so no more dust can settle.
Using Primer
Applying primer is a crucial step in the exterior painting process, but one that some people still decide to skip.
A layer of primer creates a better surface for the paint to cling to. As many exterior surfaces such as masonry or fence panels are rough, this is crucial to make your colours bolder and, of course, help the paint last longer.
Some paints contain a priming agent already, but they can still be used with a separate layer for extra toughness.
Use the Best Painting Accessories
If you want your paint to last, you can’t just use any old tools. For even small painting projects, using a paint brush or paint roller that’s seen better days will affect the overall finish and makes the task of painting much trickier than it should be.
For most exterior painting jobs, a combination of brush and roller is best. A paint roller guarantees even coverage and doesn’t cause many drips or splashes. Then a paint brush is perfect for narrow sections and hard-to-reach areas.
If your painting job will take more than a single session, make sure you either clean your accessories thoroughly, with white spirit if you’ve used an oil based paint, or seal them in airtight bags overnight.
Watch the Weather
When you’re painting outside, the weather is the biggest factor to consider. A sudden shower the forecast missed will ruin all your progress and leave you short of time and money.
It isn’t just the rain either. If you’re painting on a windy day, your paint and primer may dry unevenly. This will affect how the surface will look, and how long the paint will last too.
There’s also the temperature to consider. If the air is too cold, or too humid, this will affect drying times and the consistency of your paint. You can paint at any time of the year, just make sure you plan your time well with these factors in mind.
Use the Right Paint
This may seem obvious, but higher quality paints offer more durability. We specialise in trade paint that is tougher than what you can find at your local garden centre; most will last for a decade or more, no matter what.
But ‘most expensive’ paint doesn’t mean ‘best’. Often there are paints specifically designed for your project. Stonework, for example, can be painted with specialist masonry paint for superb results, same goes for fences and sheds with our specialist fence paint – much better than a standard exterior paint. These paints may only suit the one job, but there will always be a use for it in the future.
We always recommend that you keep any extra paint you have left over once the job is done. This is so, if you find any parts you missed, or the surface needs a touch-up in the future, you’ll have the perfect paint ready to go.
Keep the Surface Clean
Once your final layer of paint has dried and is looking good, you need to maintain it, so it continues to look its best. By keeping your exterior surfaces clean, your paint will last longer. The longer dirt and grime are ignored, the harder it will be to remove them.
A jetwash or some soap, water, and elbow grease is all you need to clean most outdoor surfaces. It’s a hassle, but it’s always worth it.
How to Make Exterior Paint Last
Your garden should make you proud every time you look outside. By using the right paint on a clean surface, and protecting it from the elements, your garden will have the ‘wow’ factor for years.
In summer, between the barbeques and time spent enjoying the sun, you should take a few days to tick off all your exterior painting projects. And if you choose to buy your paint and painting accessories from us, we’ll help you make your garden the envy of your friends and family.
We’re the no.1 choice for tradespeople, with large quantities of paint available at competitive prices, and we’re loved by domestic painters too!
Check out our blog for more information, advice and guides about all things painting. If you have any questions about any of our products, please get in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you.